Work with Me

The Holistic Diva 1:1 Coaching Program: Transform Your Relationship with Food & Body Today

Work with Me

The Holistic Diva 1:1 Program: Transform Your Life Today


Elevate your health and wellness with personalized support and strategies designed to empower you on your journey to find peace with food, feel great in your body, and show up confidently in your life, with the vitality you desire.


Can you imagine a life where you are free from the struggles of restrictive eating and the emotional rollercoaster tied to food?

This personalized experience offers a unique opportunity to explore your relationship with food, your values and desires, and to help you design a sustainable pathway, led by someone who understands and empowers you.

Get Started

Start Your Transformation Journey

This is your era for holistic wellness and food freedom. Begin your journey by applying for our coaching program. Dive into a transformative experience designed to empower you in reclaiming control over your well-being and relationship with food. Take the first step toward a healthier, more fulfilling life by completing our coaching application today.

Considering a 1:1 Coaching Journey?

It's essential to understand who stands to benefit most from this personalized approach and who may need to explore alternative paths to growth and healing. Let's explore who a 1:1 coaching journey is for and who it's not, ensuring you make an informed decision aligned with your unique needs and aspirations

This is for: 

    • Women Seeking Holistic Health: If you're on a quest for comprehensive wellness, encompassing mind, body, and spirit.

    • Struggles with Chronic Restrictive Dieting: If you've battled with the exhausting cycle of restrictive diets, seeking liberation from their constraints.

    • Facing Emotional Eating Challenges: If emotional triggers often lead you to turn to food for comfort or distraction, hindering your journey towards wellness.

    • Dealing with Body Image Concerns: If negative body image affects your confidence, self-esteem, and overall well-being, hindering your ability to live fully.

This is not for: 

    • Those Seeking Quick Fixes: If you're looking for short-term solutions or rapid weight loss without addressing underlying issues.

    • Unwilling to Explore Inner Healing: If you're not open to understanding the emotional aspects of your relationship with food and your body.

    • Resistance to Change: If you're resistant to adopting new habits or making lifestyle adjustments necessary for long-term wellness.

    • Expecting Overnight Transformation: If you anticipate immediate results without recognizing that true transformation takes time, dedication, and effort.

Apply for a 1:1 Spot Today

Empower yourself by discerning who benefits most from coaching and who may seek alternative paths.

This clarity fuels your journey towards transformative growth, ensuring that embarking on a 1:1 coaching experience resonates deeply with your aspirations and commitment to change.

Meet Your Coach


selectedI'm your guide on the journey to holistic health and wellness. With certifications as a National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC), a Mind Body Eating Coach certified by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating (IPE), and an accredited Fitness Professional by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), I bring a wealth of expertise to our sessions.

My own journey through struggles with dieting, weight, and emotional eating fuels my passion for helping others. I get it—I've been there. That's why my approach isn't just about theories; it's about empathy and understanding.

I'm here to empower you, offering not just solutions, but a roadmap to liberation from restrictive diets. Together, we'll build sustainable habits tailored to your unique needs. I'm all about helping you find balance, make peace with food, and embrace your body with confidence.

If you're ready to leap into action, a life free from dietary confines, let's connect.

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The Holistic Diva Private Program Coaching

Through a 90-day experience of self-discovery and transformation with private coaching, featuring:

selectedPre-coaching Introduction Session 
Initiate your path with an empowering pre-coaching session, where we set the stage for your growth


Personalized Goal Setting and Strategy 
Experience the strength of purposeful goal setting aligned with your aspirations, ensuring every step reflects your intentions.


Weekly 1:1 Zoom Meetings
Engage in insightful, value-driven discussions during our weekly one-on-one Zoom meetings, where we explore your progress, challenges, and achievements, guiding you toward success.


Ongoing Support Between Sessions
Stay connected and supported between sessions with continuous encouragement, resources, and guidance designed to keep you motivated and empowered on your journey.


Access to Resources and Support Tools
Access a wealth of resources and practical tools designed to enhance your development journey, providing you with the knowledge and support you need to thrive.

Experience breakthroughs in:



  • Activate your potential through mindfulness practices and cognitive exercises.
  • Develop a growth mindset to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.


  • Transform your physical health with personalized fitness plans and nutrition guidance.
  • Cultivate habits that nourish your body and enhance your vitality for a vibrant life.


  • Deepen your spiritual connection through meditation, reflection, and practices that align with your values.
  • Foster inner peace and resilience to navigate life's challenges with grace and authenticity.

Amazing Bonuses

  • Signed copy of The Diet-Free Diva
  • Invitation to exclusive group coaching events
  • Downloadable Diet Freedom workbook

Start a New Relationship with Food

Step into the future where each stride propels you toward the vibrant, fulfilling life you've envisioned.

The Step-by-Step Process


First, please:

  1. Fill out our coaching application.
  2. Schedule a free "Get to know each other" call.
  3. If we're a good fit, receive a formal coaching proposal.

Then, you will:

If we're aligned, receive a personalized coaching proposal tailored to your needs and goals.

Start building a positive relationship with food. Discover a way of eating that nourishes your body and mind. Take charge of your health and well-being. Invest in your future health - you won't regret it!


Take Me To the Application

Your Questions, Answered: